photography developed naturally for me as a result of my love for the simple and often unnoticed small beauties of life. my passion for design, fine composition, and natural lighting acquired in architecture school easily find their way into my photos. more than anything, photography has taught me a whole new way to look at the world. let me show you what i see.

Friday, October 22, 2010

self promoting moment

ok, this is just too cool not to mention, so here it is. this week the firm where i work was part of an event called fashion remix, where interior designers get paired up with manufacturers and we have to come up with a dress out of whatever material they give us. mind you, i'm an architect and know very little about interior finishes... well, we won one of the 4 coveted awards!! best innovative use of soft material. good work to all of my incredible teammates who made the dress so amazing. here's a little peek.

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